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The ophthalmologists at Eye Physicians of Long Beach are pleased to offer Durysta, an exciting new treatment for our glaucoma patients.

This cutting-edge therapy became FDA approved in the spring of 2020.

What is Durysta?


Durysta is a tiny dissolvable implant that is injected into the eye during an in-office procedure. Durysta automatically releases a medication called Bimatoprost. This helps reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) within the eye caused by glaucoma.

It helps lower pressure for patients with open-angle glaucoma or high eye pressure. (ocular hypertension).

Is This a Proven Treatment?

Yes, in two well-respected clinical trials, Durysta was shown to reduce intraocular pressure 25-30% in patients with glaucoma.

How Does Durysta Work?

The aqueous humor is a transparent fluid containing low concentrations of protein. It provides nutrition to the eye and maintains the eye in a pressurized state.

But in glaucoma patients, the aqueous humor may not drain properly. Because of this, the eye pressure (IOP) becomes elevated to harmful levels.

Bimatoprost is believed to lower IOP by increasing the flow of aqueous humour through the trabecular mesh of the eye’s drainage network, or other uveoscleral routes.

How Long Does the Durysta Implant Last?

In clinical studies, Durysta lasted 4-6 months. Some ophthalmologists are reporting that their patients are continuing to experience lower pressure for 12-24 months.

The implant should dissolve after about six months. Some researchers believe that it may create longer lasting positive effects in the trabecular network. There will be ongoing research on this topic.

Durysta is a one-time treatment per eye. Repeat implants are not approved by the FDA.

What are the Side Effects of Durysta?

The most common side effect that patients experience is eye redness. Other common side effects that have been reported are:

Infection is a risk associated with any type of eye injections. Your Eye Physicians of Long Beach ophthalmologist will take every precaution to maintain sterility and avoid infection. If you do experience any symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

Can Anyone Have a Durysta Implant?

No, it should not be used for patients with conditions such as ocular infections, corneal endothelial cell dystrophy, prior corneal transplantation, or endothelial cell transplants. Your provider at Eye Physicians of Long Beach will check whether you are a good candidate for the treatment.

What Are the Benefits Compared to Other Glaucoma Treatments?

Most patients begin treatment of elevated intraocular pressure with topical drops. Unfortunately, a large number of these patients fail to achieve lowered pressure. They may not remember to insert their drops regularly, can’t afford the ongoing cost, or can’t tolerate some side effects.

With Durysta, patients don’t have to worry about whether they are administering the right dosing. The implant is an excellent alternative to daily drops, and many patients report that they are happy with their results.

Laser treatments such as SLT and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures (MIGS) are generally safe and effective. Not all patients can achieve acceptable drop-free intraocular pressure levels. Durysta may be a beneficial next step for such patients.

Your Eye Physicians of Long Beach ophthalmologist can explain the risks and benefits of Durysta and answer any questions that you may have. Schedule a consultation to discuss Durysta today!

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