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Author: glacialcontent

Senior man on a mountain bike

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

Why the PanOptix Trifocal Lens Makes it Easier to Be Active

Are cataracts interfering with your hobbies or everyday activities like driving, reading, and cooking? While there’s no guaranteed way to avoid them, cataract surgery can help you regain your sight… read more

Senior couple at home in yoga meditation

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

How to Know if Durysta Can Treat Your Glaucoma

Did you know that glaucoma is a group of serious eye diseases that permanently destroy the optic nerve? Damage to your optic nerve elevates your eye pressure, which causes irreversible… read more

Little girl wearing headphones looking close at a laptop screen

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

Does My Child Need to See a Pediatric Ophthalmologist?

Has your primary care physician recommended that your child sees a pediatric ophthalmologist? Going to a top ophthalmologist specializing in pediatrics guarantees your child receives the best possible vision care…. read more

Portrait of an older woman outside

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

Can I Correct Astigmatism When I Have Cataract Surgery?

Do you have cataracts? If you need to have your cataracts removed by having cataract surgery, you may also be happy to learn you can correct refractive errors simultaneously. While… read more

Business woman in office setting

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

12 Reasons LASIK is a Laser Vision Correction Procedure Worth Considering

Did you know that hundreds of thousands of Americans choose LASIK to improve their vision each year? The laser vision correction procedure has become quite popular, and for a good… read more

Woman rubbing her irritated eye

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

What is BlephEx, and is it Right for Me?

Do your eyelids feel inflamed or irritated? Suffering these symptoms can be signs of a condition called blepharitis. Blepharitis can occur if bacteria develops on the eyelid margins, leading to… read more

Portrait of a smiling senior woman

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

Why a Premium Lens Implant is the Way to Go During Cataract Surgery

If it’s time for cataract surgery, you have a choice between monofocal and premium intraocular lenses (IOLs). Although monofocal or standard lenses provide clear vision after cataract surgery, they can… read more

Older man looking over his glasses to read a tablet screen

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

What is Presbyopia, and Can I Treat It?

Have you realized you hold your phone, magazines, or books at a distance to see them clearly? Perhaps you experience headaches, eye fatigue, or eye strain whenever you try to… read more

Woman Having an Eye Exam

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

10 Tips Before Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

Are you thinking about having LASIK? Getting LASIK eye surgery is a big step. You want the best possible outcome for anything that involves your eyes, and you can only… read more

Happy couple outside

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

How Do I Know if the Light Adjustable Lens is Right for Me?

Are you struggling with cataracts, making it more challenging to see? Cataracts are simply part of the aging process, but dealing with worsening vision because of having them can be… read more

Woman outside wearing sunglasses and sun hat

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

What is a Pterygium?

A pterygium is a triangular-shaped, non-cancerous growth in the eye. Also known as surfer’s eye, a pterygium begins at the eye’s thin tissue, covers the white of the eye, then… read more

Unhappy little girl rubbing her eyes

Posted by: Eye Physicians of Long Beach

What Makes Pediatric Ophthalmology Important?

Did you know that it takes up to two years for your child’s eyes to develop fully? If your child’s eyes aren’t developing as they should, they may experience vision… read more

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